Wolols - Maria Vergara

Sep 18, 2020

Why Play is Important

All of us will agree on the importance of play in children, one of the important values that I encourage through Wolols book series and activities.

My daughter loves to play with me and bring me to her magical world where a unicorn runs up the rainbow to rescue a brave knight that was fighting with a flash of lightning to keep the rainbow safe. Yep!, her imagination has no boundaries. I love and enjoy it every time I'm allowed to get into her world (and also requires a lot of imagination from me! as she won't stop to explain what is going on in her mind, so I must concentrate and follow her without asking too much!)

Sometimes she wants to play by herself or wants me to suggest ideas. And it's perfectly right when they play alone. It's a perfect moment to develop creativity, imagination and exploring. Step back. They are learning through play, applying what they've seen or read. It's fascinating to observe them from outside and listen to these "conversations" between dolls or cars racing. They will bring more than one smile to your face.

And there are also moments when no adults are allowed. Friends have come, and the Magic Castle is close for grown-ups. We became snacks and supplies providers (or pancake makers!). And this is also good. They socialize and learn from each other, and they don't want mom or dad around like helicopters guiding or suggesting nothing.

Play is something that we should never stop doing. Even as adults. It brings joy and builds fun memories.

I read this article from one of my favourite resources "The Australian parenting website". They talk about why play is vital in our child's learning, development, confidence and wellbeing. Recommend an unstructured, free play as the best type of play for young children. And remind that as children grow, the way they play changes.

You can read it here and find great play activities for babies, toddlers and school-age kids.

Stay creative and play!

Maria Vergara - Wolols' Mom